Today's topic - A Review of Breadsoda
Dude, you know I’ve got ADD, make it brief: Breadsoda is located at 2233 Wisconsin Ave, NW, in Glover Park in the same office building/shopping complex as the Vespa store, downstairs. It is advertised as a deil/billiards spot (more on the deli part later) and billiards they do indeed have – pool, ping pong, a Wii, and shuffleboard. I would add and stress “bar” though, it’s a bar. There’s a big long physical bar, there’s a bouncer at the door, and there are no seating tables, just bar-type seating tables. So don’t show up on a Friday night with Uncle Moisha looking for a nosh and a game of Wii Tennis – this place will be full of people drinking and standing about.
Also of note is that the games are not all always available; shuffleboard and pool are always cool, you can ping the pong only Tuesday night long, and the Wii is supposedly available every night but either I am blind or they don’t advertise it very well. In fact that would be a gripe I have with Breadsoda in general, they say they’ve got food, lots of games, etc. but then you walk in and there is a large bar and three pool tables and that’s it. No signs, no hostess, no nothing. We definitely stood there looking confused and uncool for a few minutes.
How the fuck am I supposed to get there?: Jesus, calm down, there’s no need to swear. Apparently there is free parking in the back lot after 8, which is sweet, but didn’t do me any good since I missed that bit of info and parked on the street in the rain a few blocks up. If you do go before 8 be prepared that finding a spot along Wisconsin will suck. The D2 is a good-ish way to get there from Dupont Circle but you will have to walk a bit. The 30 buses can get you there from anywhere on Wisconsin Ave., north or south. If you are trying to get there from Cleveland Park or anywhere on Connecticut Ave. that’s not Dupont Circle you are fucked. Drive or take a cab. There is no metro.
Its like I’m walking on Sunshine!: Well, sort of. In keeping with the whole game thing Breadsoda has a ‘70s basement vibe, which is definitely what they’re going for. Wood paneling, decorative indoor stone – the whole thing was Brady Bunch-esque but not overdone in the slightest. This is a jeans and t-shirt kinda place. In fact, do you have skinny jeans, an ironic hoodie, a long scarf, and trendy sneakers? Good, wear that, regardless of your gender. Though they weren’t in view when I was there, I suspect the upper Georgetown prepster squad also hangs out there, what with its close proximity to Town Hall and all. Most likely the hipsters and the prepsters get along ok though the bar cleary seems to be vying for the hipster crowd as the music ranged from ironic musical (“Luck Be a Lady Tonight”), ‘80s (New Order), old school hip hop (De La Soul), and semi-irritating techno music (please, like I can name one artist in this genre). No DMB, no Colby Caillat, for which I thank them.
The government will not be offering me a $700 million bailout: That’s rough man, but what can you do, right? You’re still fine to go to Breadsoda. It was pleasantly well priced – my two companions and I all got a sandwich and two beers and our checks were about $20, give or take. Not bad, not bad at all. They have happy hour every night during which a few select beers are $4. The rest of the time beverages run between $5-$9. Sandwiches are no more than $10, and most hover around $7.95. The games are not free but priced per hour in the $10/hr range, check out the website for specifics.
I’ve got this date on Wednesday and I think he’s a Mormon: Then don’t go to Breadsoda. Like I said, it’s a bar. I saw some gourmet sodas in the deli case but this is not a show up and linger over dinner kinda spot, it’s a grab some beers and play pool kinda spot. So if your Mormon is cool playing pool and not drinking or eating then go for it. But I would really recommend this as a mid-week “wanna grab a drink?” place. Its always nice to have some quasi-athletic distractions while drinking and its way more low-key and less meat head than Buffalo Billiards. I also assume its cool on a weekend night as that place where you can go and mingle without having to wear uncomfortable shoes and pay $12 for a vodka tonic. They also have outdoor seating. However, for most of us it’s a touch difficult to get to and once you’re in Glover Park there really aren’t that many other places to go. A bar crawl that involves Borboun and Town Hall is not one I want to be a part of though you can get really adventurous and hit up Good Guys.
I am starvin’ like Marvin right now!: Well then unless you’re starving for lunch this might not be the best place for you. Breadsoda advertises itself as a deli. Turns out that “deli” is just a way to advertise that they serve food but its sandwiches and they’re not really committed to it. My guess is they did it to obtain a liquor license; Glover Park is exploding in terms of restaurants and bars and, in an attempt to curb the nightlife development, residents are making sure some of the more nit-picky liquor licensing rules are obeyed. One such rule specifies that a certain amount of your profits have to come from food sales. As such, Breadsoda doesn’t really have “tables” or “waiters” and you’ll find the menus up at the bar by the register. Grab a quick bite? Yes. Have dinner? No. However, the sandwiches were delish; my companions and I enjoyed a grilled cheese with bacon, a BLT, and a Veggie Sandwich, all of which were made with quality fresh ingredients and of a good size. And I am willing to let them continue calling themselves a deli because they make their own pickles and they’re damn good.
99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall: Well, not exactly. In fact I would say that the beer selection is limited but definitely of a high quality – lots of Belgian beer, Chimay (I told you it was hipster), PBR cans (no seriously, say it with me, “hip-ster”), some random UK beers, Guinness, Stella, some nice small breweries from California, and the old standby Miller Lite – no Asian beer (which is a shame, ‘cause its damn good), no Latin American beer.
Wine is also available, though in a more limited capacity and nothing that caught my eye. I noted that “sauvignon” was spelled incorrectly on their menu, as was “Peroni” – um, since the outdoor tables have huge Peroni umbrellas that should be an easy fix. They make a few specialty cocktails, two standouts being the Michelata which is essentially a Bloody Mary with beer instead of vodka, and the Dark & Stormy, a Bermudian drink made from Gosling’s dark rum and Ginger Beer.
Your Mom: liked Breadsoda but felt it was trying to be too many things. They have free WiFi, deli sandwiches, fancy beer, lots of games, outdoor seating … she wants them to maybe pick a style and stick with it. Or perhaps do the sandwiches and WiFi during the lunch hour/daytime and then switch focus to trendy gamer bar in the evening. This would enable them to get two well defined crowds: those who want to enjoy a well-priced sandwich, free wifi, and – if they’re lucky – a nice beer during the day; those who want to hit up a trendy spot with good beer and funky music that won’t break their bank or necessitate high heels at night. Of course, this could have been their plan all along and they’re achieving it quite nicely, I don’t think your Mom really asked them.
Ultimately she thinks Breadsoda is a good place to hit up if you’re in the area during the day and need a quick bite and a good beer or at night if you want to play pool and have a drink at a bar who’s idea of a microbrew is not Yeungling and thinks of the cocktail as coming from actual ingredients, not a rail bottle of liquor and a soda gun. Besides, she felt totally cool and “with it” while she was there, and she did like the 70s thing – it reminded her of her and your Dad’s first apartment.
In summation: Bar Pilar + Buffallo Billards + the relaxed vibe of Glover Park – Meatheads – the obnoxious pretention of those who frequent 14th St = Breadsoda.
Also of note is that the games are not all always available; shuffleboard and pool are always cool, you can ping the pong only Tuesday night long, and the Wii is supposedly available every night but either I am blind or they don’t advertise it very well. In fact that would be a gripe I have with Breadsoda in general, they say they’ve got food, lots of games, etc. but then you walk in and there is a large bar and three pool tables and that’s it. No signs, no hostess, no nothing. We definitely stood there looking confused and uncool for a few minutes.
How the fuck am I supposed to get there?: Jesus, calm down, there’s no need to swear. Apparently there is free parking in the back lot after 8, which is sweet, but didn’t do me any good since I missed that bit of info and parked on the street in the rain a few blocks up. If you do go before 8 be prepared that finding a spot along Wisconsin will suck. The D2 is a good-ish way to get there from Dupont Circle but you will have to walk a bit. The 30 buses can get you there from anywhere on Wisconsin Ave., north or south. If you are trying to get there from Cleveland Park or anywhere on Connecticut Ave. that’s not Dupont Circle you are fucked. Drive or take a cab. There is no metro.
Its like I’m walking on Sunshine!: Well, sort of. In keeping with the whole game thing Breadsoda has a ‘70s basement vibe, which is definitely what they’re going for. Wood paneling, decorative indoor stone – the whole thing was Brady Bunch-esque but not overdone in the slightest. This is a jeans and t-shirt kinda place. In fact, do you have skinny jeans, an ironic hoodie, a long scarf, and trendy sneakers? Good, wear that, regardless of your gender. Though they weren’t in view when I was there, I suspect the upper Georgetown prepster squad also hangs out there, what with its close proximity to Town Hall and all. Most likely the hipsters and the prepsters get along ok though the bar cleary seems to be vying for the hipster crowd as the music ranged from ironic musical (“Luck Be a Lady Tonight”), ‘80s (New Order), old school hip hop (De La Soul), and semi-irritating techno music (please, like I can name one artist in this genre). No DMB, no Colby Caillat, for which I thank them.
The government will not be offering me a $700 million bailout: That’s rough man, but what can you do, right? You’re still fine to go to Breadsoda. It was pleasantly well priced – my two companions and I all got a sandwich and two beers and our checks were about $20, give or take. Not bad, not bad at all. They have happy hour every night during which a few select beers are $4. The rest of the time beverages run between $5-$9. Sandwiches are no more than $10, and most hover around $7.95. The games are not free but priced per hour in the $10/hr range, check out the website for specifics.
I’ve got this date on Wednesday and I think he’s a Mormon: Then don’t go to Breadsoda. Like I said, it’s a bar. I saw some gourmet sodas in the deli case but this is not a show up and linger over dinner kinda spot, it’s a grab some beers and play pool kinda spot. So if your Mormon is cool playing pool and not drinking or eating then go for it. But I would really recommend this as a mid-week “wanna grab a drink?” place. Its always nice to have some quasi-athletic distractions while drinking and its way more low-key and less meat head than Buffalo Billiards. I also assume its cool on a weekend night as that place where you can go and mingle without having to wear uncomfortable shoes and pay $12 for a vodka tonic. They also have outdoor seating. However, for most of us it’s a touch difficult to get to and once you’re in Glover Park there really aren’t that many other places to go. A bar crawl that involves Borboun and Town Hall is not one I want to be a part of though you can get really adventurous and hit up Good Guys.
I am starvin’ like Marvin right now!: Well then unless you’re starving for lunch this might not be the best place for you. Breadsoda advertises itself as a deli. Turns out that “deli” is just a way to advertise that they serve food but its sandwiches and they’re not really committed to it. My guess is they did it to obtain a liquor license; Glover Park is exploding in terms of restaurants and bars and, in an attempt to curb the nightlife development, residents are making sure some of the more nit-picky liquor licensing rules are obeyed. One such rule specifies that a certain amount of your profits have to come from food sales. As such, Breadsoda doesn’t really have “tables” or “waiters” and you’ll find the menus up at the bar by the register. Grab a quick bite? Yes. Have dinner? No. However, the sandwiches were delish; my companions and I enjoyed a grilled cheese with bacon, a BLT, and a Veggie Sandwich, all of which were made with quality fresh ingredients and of a good size. And I am willing to let them continue calling themselves a deli because they make their own pickles and they’re damn good.
99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall: Well, not exactly. In fact I would say that the beer selection is limited but definitely of a high quality – lots of Belgian beer, Chimay (I told you it was hipster), PBR cans (no seriously, say it with me, “hip-ster”), some random UK beers, Guinness, Stella, some nice small breweries from California, and the old standby Miller Lite – no Asian beer (which is a shame, ‘cause its damn good), no Latin American beer.
Wine is also available, though in a more limited capacity and nothing that caught my eye. I noted that “sauvignon” was spelled incorrectly on their menu, as was “Peroni” – um, since the outdoor tables have huge Peroni umbrellas that should be an easy fix. They make a few specialty cocktails, two standouts being the Michelata which is essentially a Bloody Mary with beer instead of vodka, and the Dark & Stormy, a Bermudian drink made from Gosling’s dark rum and Ginger Beer.
Your Mom: liked Breadsoda but felt it was trying to be too many things. They have free WiFi, deli sandwiches, fancy beer, lots of games, outdoor seating … she wants them to maybe pick a style and stick with it. Or perhaps do the sandwiches and WiFi during the lunch hour/daytime and then switch focus to trendy gamer bar in the evening. This would enable them to get two well defined crowds: those who want to enjoy a well-priced sandwich, free wifi, and – if they’re lucky – a nice beer during the day; those who want to hit up a trendy spot with good beer and funky music that won’t break their bank or necessitate high heels at night. Of course, this could have been their plan all along and they’re achieving it quite nicely, I don’t think your Mom really asked them.
Ultimately she thinks Breadsoda is a good place to hit up if you’re in the area during the day and need a quick bite and a good beer or at night if you want to play pool and have a drink at a bar who’s idea of a microbrew is not Yeungling and thinks of the cocktail as coming from actual ingredients, not a rail bottle of liquor and a soda gun. Besides, she felt totally cool and “with it” while she was there, and she did like the 70s thing – it reminded her of her and your Dad’s first apartment.
In summation: Bar Pilar + Buffallo Billards + the relaxed vibe of Glover Park – Meatheads – the obnoxious pretention of those who frequent 14th St = Breadsoda.
Haha I love the Bar Pilar Comparison. My XM friends use to pick up chicks there. They would be successful until the end of the night. I have not been down there in a while.
Yea dinner was 20 bucks. Unless you're me and the waitress has an uber crush on you so she only charges you for one stella. HOLLERRRR!
love the worm!
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