Enjoy your day off everyone! Unless you're an international reader, in which case you probably don't get Memorial Day off. And serves you right for being so un-American. Terrorist...
[Sex Minx is getting hit from behind by her boyfriend in the library. He pulls out because they hear someone coming.]
He stumbles back (clumsy fuck — no pun intended) and the condom had sort of come loose, apparently, so when he blew his load, he sent the condom airborne. A rooster tail of white cum and a white condom. Everyone got really flustered.
My Dear Queer,
Is that offensive? [Not really] Should I have tacked on the Abbey part? [Most Definitely] I mean, I'm mostly just tickled that the words 'dear' and 'queer' rhyme, so that's really what I was going for, but I like to feel like I'm all hip and with it, but I was raised in super conservative religious household and have no idea how to actually balance being hip and with it with not being offensive. And that's not even my real problem. [Phew]
My conundrum is this: I'm engaged, right? And my fiance is the tits. Seriously, he's amazing and I could totally gush and gush for days about how tit-tacular my fiance is (metaphorically speaking, of course. He's probably like a AA cup). And I'm in love with him, which is largely why I agreed to marry him in the first place, because Lord knows it wasn't for his ten year old desktop computer or impeccable taste in Hawaiian shirts. But despite being very much in love with my fiance and totally full-steam ahead with the wedding and marriage and eventual reproduction and all that jazz, I keep having these Nam-like flashbacks to what it was like when I was with my most recent ex.
You see, my ex and I were pretty nuts about each other. By which I mean, we were young and had all sorts of hormones all over each other and thought it was emotion. They were really intense hormones, though. Like, so intense that I really question whether I will ever experience anything remotely as intense with anyone ever again.
I mean, it's not like I want to get back with my ex. I do not. He dropped out of school to work at a drive-through liquor store and has no intention of ever finishing his education. He has no goals and no aspirations and the last thing I want to be saddled with for the rest of my life is a giant fixer-upper project of a man. Also, he listens to Soulja Boy unironically and thinks it's good music, which I'm not sure I can handle. I'm just a little bit worried that I don't feel anything even close to as intense with my fiance, who is so good to and for me and whom I honestly do love and adore. So, Queer Abbey, my question is this: How can I alleviate some of this baggage? I would really like to be able to just move forward into a healthy and happy relationship with my husband-to-be, but I'm not sure how to do that with all these awesome memories of another man.
Apologist Zoologist
Dear AZ,
Dear Queer Abby,
I've kind of reached the limits of dating in this city. My long-term bf broke up with me last year, and it took a while for me to give enough of a fuck to attempt dating (honestly, the first attempt at dating I've had to make in six years... yikes). And, I'm pretty sure I'm a total fuck up at it. I've hit it off with a few guys, but the pattern seems to be something like this:
1) Dude approaches me at bar/club/brunch/ whatevs
2) Sparkling conversation ensues
3) Dancing/making-out/mutual friends/escalating dares leads to digits exchanged
4) Date #1 and #2 are good (and I feel confident enough to text... and I think this is my downfall. You see, I enjoy sending a good text OR taking the initiative and inviting them to do something)
5) Hopes/daydreams build
6) I lose my edge and get suuuper unsure of myself/start to wonder what I'm doing "wrong" as he seems to be communicating less or making fewer plans (and I probably overcompensate at this point by trying harder)
7) He's just "not into it" or "wants to be friends for fear of someone [me] getting hurt".
For reals, what do I do? I can't help getting excited about it, but then I lose confidence and poof, c'est tout.
Thanks, love your work!
Determined to Not Die Alone in my Apartment in DC
I’ve always considered myself open to accepting all sorts of cultures and people. A nighttime adventure into uncharted territory for a black party has opened my eyes to believe that the world is better off with everyone being egalitarian with their friendships. Aside from having a deep connection with different kinds of alcohol and forms of pasta, I don’t think that hooking up with a black man is a good way to advocate my newfound appreciation for egalitarianism or for black people. For starters, hooking up with a black man is probably right up there with being the general manager for Kinko’s. Though I hold high regards for the hip-hop community and what they have brought to the table, I’m not too fond of black men assuming that if I’ve never been with a black man then perhaps I’m interested in becoming their baby boy.
I hooked up with a black guy when I went to an indie, eighties revival club with my friend Sara who was home for spring break. These clubs are what most people refer to as a “mix crowd” since there is straight, gay, A-sexual people there. Other than going there to get drunk, I don’t see that point in going to any clubs at all if I just plan on drinking. It’s not like I hate these kinds of clubs, but looking for someone to go home with isn’t an easy task because a straight guy can look as gay as the next one. The night was pretty hazy thanks to contributions of wine and vodka so I won’t concern myself with details.
Sara, her friends, and I made our way to the crowded dance floor. I was dancing as if the ghost of Elvis Presley possessed me when I noticed someone looking at me from the corner of my eye. [Editorial note: We hope it's old Elvis.] Any kind of music that isn’t hip-hop or doesn’t involve shaking my ass, I have a hard time dancing to. And besides leaving my mouth wide-open like a Venus flytrap while I’m in public, dancing like a fool can be a terrible shortcoming of mine. It took about ten minutes of flailing my arms in multiple directions to realize that he was black and was probably into me. He was standing by the wall with his friends and my group was pretty much next to his. Sara nudged me to go talk to him.
“Hi! What’s your name?” I asked him about to fall over.“Jester.” The music was too loud so I had a hard time hearing his name. That’s what I thought when I heard when I asked his name.“I want to make out with you,” he said putting his arms around my hips. I wondered if all black men were this forward. So without the restraints of being sober, I approved because I was open to what life had to offer. At the time unfortunately, I figured making out with a black man was one of those things. Jester isn’t the type of black guy you’d see out of a Ludacris music video or working on his unemployment, he was more along the lines of an Oreo: black on the outside, white on the inside.
“We can’t make out here,” he said. “My friends don’t know I’m gay, we’ll have to go somewhere else.” This I could agree with, I don’t like displaying public affection – it’s not cute and not attractive on any front. It’s even worse when the people making out are a couple. I decided it would be more adequate to make out in the restroom.
I led him to one of the stalls and shut the door behind it. Since the stall looked as if Hulk Hogan kicked his way out of the stall, the lock didn’t work so I had Jester lean against the door to keep it closed. While we were making out, he would tell me that he really wanted to hook up tonight or tomorrow morning.
“I’m way too drunk,” I said to Jester, smiling. “Maybe tomorrow?” He nodded his large head and I motioned him to open the door. We exchanged number and parted ways. I had hoped this was probably the last time that I’d see him again.The club was closing up and I explained to Sara what had happened with Jester. “You should go over to his place!” she exclaimed. “It might be a lot more fun now than it will be tomorrow when he doesn’t look like Tyson Beckford.”
It doesn’t take much egging on for me to go with what anyone suggests since my morals are on par with a remote control. Sara was right, I knew if I had seen Jester the next day, he wouldn’t appear as attractive as he did fifteen minutes ago. Added to the fact that I have as much shame as David Hasselhoff when I drink, I agreed to Sara’s plan and texted Jester that I’d be at his place in ten minutes.The drive to Jester’s wasn’t difficult since I had learned on multiple occasions, while watching Cops that keeping your hands at ten and two on the steering wheel and not changing the music will ensure getting to your location safely. On the way to Jester’s apartment, I decided to text my friend Vladmir who had a history of sleeping with black men.“Any wisdom to share about black guys and hooking up?”“Get some jelly and relax,” he responded.
Once I got to his apartment, I knocked on the door. His roommate opened the door and greeted me with a look as if he were witnessing dogs having a conversation about math. I explained to him that I was looking for Jester and he reluctantly let me in.“What’s wrong with your roommate?” I asked Jester, walking into his room as he was sprucing up.“We normally don’t have people over at this time. Plus he doesn’t know I’m gay,” he responded while putting on his play list of BeyoncĂ©’s greatest hits. It was three A.M.“Well wouldn’t it be obvious if I’m in here and you’re playing BeyoncĂ©?”
Before he answered, he pushed me onto his air mattress and we proceeded to make out. This time, I could taste something that I couldn’t pin point but it reminded me a lot like ass breath. What did he gnaw on? Dirty socks? I knew I had to get out of here because nothing turns me off more than bad breath, except for unkempt pubic hair. [What a fucking princess.] I tried to play it cool, but it was difficult to let out my enthusiasm for a good time if someone that had the breath of Oscar the Grouch’s trashcan. This was my first hand on experience with a black guy and so far, I wasn’t enjoying it.
Twenty minutes had gone by and I was in a desperate need to get up and leave. I didn’t know what to do while Ass Breath was all over me. I felt bad getting up and go since I was in unknown territory. And I figured asking him if he would rather watch a movie or play video games were more suitable but realized that wasn’t an option after he face raped me. Luckily, I had the necessary phone app on my iPhone to guilefully get out of this situation.“Give me a second,” I told him slowly pushing him away. “I need to set an alarm on my phone.” Prior to hooking up, he asked me if it was okay that I spend the night and before realizing the situation in his mouth, I agreed. I leaned over the bed to reach into my pant pocket, pulled out my phone, and turned my back facing Ass Breath to avoid him from seeing what I was doing. I have an app that’s called FakeMyCall and it’s pretty self-explanatory. I plant a ring tone to call me thirty seconds later, I answer the call, and pretend I’m on the phone. I’ve only used this app twice but it’s a surefire way to get out of awkward situations.My phone rang thirty seconds later. “Hello? Oh my gosh? Are you serious? Okay, I’ll be there tomorrow morning.”“Who was that?” Ass Breath asked.“It’s The Boys and Girls Club,” I told him in an overstated tone. “I just remembered that I’m taking my little brother to the Humane Society to go pick out a dog in morning. I have to go."“But it’s three-thirty, what are they doing calling you at this time?"I had to come up with something plausible. “They have a twenty-four hour call center.”Then he said something to reassure that I was not going to be seeing him again.“Can’t I just stick it in once?”“I have to think about the kids first,” I said while I was looking for my T-shirt and jeans among the piles of clothes on the floor. Not only did he have a hard time cleaning his mouth, he also had a hard time cleaning up his room.As I was about to step out the front door to discover his roommate not in the living room, Ass Breath told me to text him next time I’m free. I gave him a friendly wave and smiled, shut the door, and breathed a sigh of relief.“No thanks, buddy,” I said to myself.The next morning, I looked in the mirror and spotted a dark circle on the left side of my neck, along with two more dark circles on my chest. Not pleased about last night since I now was forced to wear a hoodie, I considered borrowing my mother’s foundation to cover the marks left by Ass Breath. I looked in the mirror not only ashamed, but also dirty. Something had to be done, and it needed to help me get rid of the images from last night. So I brushed my teeth, flossed, and Listerined my mouth for two minutes. Following my discoveries, I received a text from Vladimir asking about my night.“I didn’t have sex last night, so I’m quite relieved that nothing went past second base.”“Good, the last time I had sex with a black guy, I was ruined for two weeks. You don’t deserve that. Come join our no sex pact: N.O.P.P. No Orifice Perpetration Pact.”“Sounds like a very noteworthy cause,” I replied, laughing out loud.“I am not only a member, but the President too.”I was quite disappointed by the old saying, “Once you go black, you never go back,” because perhaps it could have been more enjoyable had Ass Breath considered eating a box of Tic-Tacs. I don’t see myself hooking up with another black man anytime soon, but I won’t rule anything out. My experience goes, “I went black, and I came running back.”
I am totally wearing thigh socks and teeny pajama shorts dancing around the room drinking tequila. and it makes me think how i used to LOVE when you would put on your thigh socks pajama shorts and dance with your t-square! I for reals miss you.
Wow, I really hope you remember doing that otherwise I sound SUPER gay right now.
I love 'Your Woman' *BUT* what is it about??? Are you a man/woman/transsexual?
Ummmm ...well, that's a toughie. When I wrote it, I was trying to write a catchy pop song that had more than one perspective. Although it's written in the first person that viewpoint isn't the same as it may
sound. So, these are *some* of the things it's about:
Being a member of an orthodox Trotskyist / Marxist movement (as I was for three years in the 80s).
Being a straight guy in love with a lesbian (ditto).
Being a gay guy in love with a straight man.
Being a straight girl in love with a lying, two-timing, fake-ass Marxist.
The hypocrisy that results when love and lust get mixed up with highbrow ideals :-)