Crazy. Time flies when you're...being paid minimum wage. To celebrate the holiday season, we're having a competition! Here's the deal: We want to hear your most awkward holiday memories. They can be funny-awkward or depressing-awkward (most of my memories are both) but they should have that certain 2birds1blog je ne sais quoi. (Read: embarrassing, awkward, unfortunate and/or accidentally racist.) The winner will get their story published on the blog AND a JEMUS MODEL JÄGER TAP contributed by our friends at the all-new jagerstore.com!

That's my personal Jäger Tap. Her name is Heidi and she's a thing of beauty. She's also located about three feet away from the foot of my bed. Soooooo...that's called alcoholism. The deadline to email me your stories is Monday night (oh wah, you have all weekend to work on it. It's currently 1 o'clock in the morning, this needs to be finished in a few hours and I'm drunk as a skunk. Trust me, you can do it.) We'll announce the winner Tuesday and post their entry Wednesday! So what are you waiting for?! Gets-a-writing!
WAIT! I take that back. Don't gets-a-writing yet. Read this recap of Jersey Shore first and then gets-a-writing. Because this week was THE PUNCH HEARD 'ROUND THE WORLD and you are not going to want to miss this!!!!1
Jersey Shore: Episode 4
Ok, just kidding. This episode was sort of boring and extremely anti-climactic. MTV decided not to show the footage of Snooki getting punched. WAMP, WAMP. However, I'm drunk and t-minues 30 minutes to pass out so this recap is going to be brief. There, now we're all disappointed. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Picking up where last week left off, Sammi drags her stiellots and slashed t-shirt home to "knock up" J-Woww for leaving the clerb to hook up with Ronnie. Except they didn't hook up. Ronnie just spooned the duck phone and wept gently while J-Woww watched Mama's Family and researched how to start a home day care center. Ronnie explains that he only got creepy on the dance floor because he saw Sammi give The Cop her number and Sammi explains that she only gave The Cop her number because she saw Ronnie get creepy on the dance floor and Ronnie sold his watch to buy Sammi a comb for her hair and Sammi sold her hair to buy Ronnie a chain for his watch and—OH HOW SILLY AND CHARMING! In the end they kiss and makeup and J-Woww skulks off to buy more rayon tops at Fashion Bug.
Ok. Not going to lie. I'm writing this from my mini vacation in New York (I'M SO DEDICATED, RIGHT?!) and at this point a friend of a friend came over with an adorable fluffy dog and my attention span went from dwindling to non-existent. There was an uncomfortable number of shots of J-Woww sitting on a beanbag chair with her skirt around her waist and her legs sprawled open like a trucker (because the dog wasn't distracting enough.) I think she was making up with her boyfriend or calling her local representative to complain about "dem dang koons" or something. More importantly The Situation and Pauly D brought home a couple of chicks who had to leave mid-hookup because one of their moms was "going to freak out." I mention this only because I fell further in love with The Situation when he said, and I quote, "Chill out Freckles McGee."
The next day the guys go tanning because they "need a new coat of paint" and go to the gym. Insert a bunch of scenes of The Situation roundhouse kicking a punching bag and throw in some token pussy talk for good measure and we're pretty much done here. Although my new favorite quote comes from this part when Pauly D says, "Mike would bang a gatorade bottle if it had a pulse at this point." That quote manages to combine three of my favorite things into one eloquent sentence: The Situation, gatorade and low standards. Amen.
The next night the gang heads back to the clerb where according to my notes: "There's a black girl and someone named Barb. That's funny." And it is. The Situation and Pauly D settle on a few Mediocre Marias to take home when en route to the house, they see a convertible with two hotter girls. So they do what any gentlemen would do in that situation and run away from the Mediocre Marias, hop in the convertible and zoom off with the hotter girls. And I'm not even mad. I'm just impressed. But not only did they strand the Marias, they stranded ooooold Snookers at the club, who leaves with Russ aka Ron. And I'm not making that up. His guido nickname is Ron. Like, short for Ronald. And I can't even handle how funny that is. Because the entire point of a guido nickname is to hype yourself up and insert a bunch of unnecessary letters to show how cool you. But he picked Ron?! Nickname Generator be damned, I've decided my Jersey Shore nickname is Pat.
Back on the Adventures of The Situation and Pauly D, our boys come to the sad realization that the Mercedes Girls are kind of the lame when guess who shows up?? The Original Mediocre Marias! The Situation and Pauly D then have to find a way to kick out Mercedes Girls and sneak up the Original Girls without them seeing each other and it's like one big episode of Saved By the Bell where Mario Lopez isn't the only tan person and Snooki is the Screech equivalent.
But our boys problems don't stop there. Quote The Situation, "One of these girls was definitely more cuter than the other." Yyyyyeah...about that: Buzz, your girlfriend—WOOF. Ok, to be fair, this girl wasn't that horrible. I'd describe her as a Plain Jane. Pauly D would describe her as "fucking busted." The Situation would describe her as a "Grenade." What's a grenade, you ask? The Situation explains, "You need to go out with your buddies so if a grenade gets thrown at you, your buddy takes it and not you." And then he cracks up at his own joke for a solid 45 minutes and tells the camera person to stop filming because he has a cramp and just soiled himself.
But Pauly D, ever the good buddy, decides to help The Situation out and entertain The Grenade so his boy can take care of business. Except The Grenade is unhappy. Because she's tired. And the hot tub isn't hot. And she wants water. And the dishes are dirty. But she doesn't feel like cleaning them. And she's tired. And her lips are chapped. And her feet hurt. And she's on her period. And she's bloated. And farty. And she wants to go home. It's at this point that Pauly D takes the suicide pill he keeps with him at all times and strands his boy with the girls. But not to worry, The Situation points across the street and says, "Hey, is that a sale on modest halter tops with built-in bras over there?" The Grenade's eyes light up and she shouts "WHERE?!?!?!" as The Situation runs off with her friend to bang her out quickly, yet efficiently. That is until The Grenade physically comes into the bedroom, tells her friend "you don't want to do this," scoops her up in her big softball playing arms and carries her friend back to Dignity Town while the rest of the factory applauds. And thus concludes this week's Adventures of The Situation and Pauly D. Join us next week when an oil rig explodes outside the hot tub killing The Situation's beloved pet duck, Becky.
Remember Russ aka Ron? Well it turns out he's friends with J-Woww's boyfriend and was sent to the club to keep an eye on J-Woww. Because when you got a woman like that, Lord knows you gotta hold on tight. Ron tells J-Woww's boyfriend that J-Woww was grinding on Paul D at the clerb and homeboy is none too thrilled. But here's what he doesn't get—they were grinding to house music. House music, you guys. Because in the Jersey Shore, you're allowed to grind genitals to ass and call it good, clean, Christian fun if it's to house music. "Honestly, it was just house music," Snooki explains to J-Woww's boyfriend. "It wasn't R&B. Nothing happened." And shockingly, J-Woww's boyfriend is like, "OHHHH! House music. My bad! Go right back to dry humping on the dance floor, baby! Loves you!" This seemed ridiculous to me too until I really thought about it. Because honestly, house music isn't baby-making music. It's fist-pumping, Ketamine-downing music. Would you rather get down to this:
Or this?
Kind of makes sense, right?! (And when the Jersey Shore kids start to make sense, we know the Apocalypse is nigh. 2012 bitchez.)
Snooki's mom comes to visit for the day and she looks like she's of an entirely different race. People probably think she's a nice white woman taking out her Latina litter sister from the Big Brother/Little Sister program for the day. How kind of her. Snooks gets uncomfortably sad when her mom drives all three hours back to New York...because she's oddly close to her mom...and it makes me very uncomfortable. So I'm just going to stop writing about it now. K. Bye.
AND THEN—FACE TIME. The gang goes out for drinks and things are going swell until a bunch of frat guys start stealing their shots from the bar. Snooki starts yelling at them and suddenly—FADE TO BLACK. The episode ends with the guy who punched her being led away in handcuffs while he shouts, "I just pushed her face!!!!" Yes, sir. You just pushed her face. With your hand. Which was balled up into a fist. And had a lot of momentum behind it. Which in some circles is considered a "punch." Time to knock a bitch up. And Jesus Crush I can't wait for the next episode.
FIN. Have a great weekend and don't forget to send your stories to meg@2birds1blog.com by Monday night! Kissesssssss!
JWOWW.com. Happy Holidays!
Snooki's relationship with her mom made me uncomfortable too. Haven't these people heard of sleep-away camp? Isn't that supposed to ween you off your familial co-dependence at, like, 12? How has she NEVER been away from her mom for two weeks at 21?
I also highly enjoyed J-Woww's response after Snooki got knocked out. She went buckwild on the "frat guy". My favorite part, though, may have been shortly after that when she says "I mean, Snooki's my girl, you know?"
Oh, yes, J-Woww. I know.
I'm still halfway through episode 3 (I know, wtf, I'm old) but honestly, I think imagining these recaps playing out in my head are better than the show.
and that's saying something!
I just have to say that I was thoroughly pleased that you quoted my favorite line from Home Alone. I have been saying it all week!
I usually hate reality TV... but I think you have inspired me to start watching this show. This is too funny!
So, I have a personal rating scale for the funny-ness of your posts. I never not enjoy them, but the scale goes: enjoyable, smile-inducing, silent-laugh-inducing, audible-laugh-inducing, audible-laugh-and-tear-inducing-while choking on food. This post was the highest level for me, i.e. there were tears and Diet Coke coming out where it should have been going in.
This recrap was highly satisfying to me, not only because it was hilarious but because:
1) While watching last night, I hoped you would address Snookie's eloquent thesis on the house music/R&B dichotomy. And you didn't let me down--perfect.
2) I was also extremely uncomfortable with Snookie's closeness with her mother and her separation anxiety. *Shiver*
3) JWoww and janitor's keys. Hahahahaha.
For some reason, my absolute favorite part of last night's episode happened right before Snicker's punch out when she's getting interviewed and like "I'm part of the family now... They're all like you know what Snooki? You're a real cool girl. And I'm like thanks! Finally!" I don't know what it is about that line that gets me every time.
And thanks SO much for clearing up the R&B/House situation for me, because I couldn't wrap my head around it at all.
Meg, yet another top-notch recap from your magnificent mind, but I'm dying to know why you didn't address 3 incredible things:
1.) Sammi literally pulling out hair extension after hair extension as she and Ronnie drunkenly get down to brass tacks about what exactly happened with the cop/token ho at Karma.
2.) Snookie's cartwheels at Karma, sans shoes and in an INCREDIBLY short skirt, like so short to the point that her thong-clad crotch had to be blurred out on MTV and J-WOWW saying "I'm so proud of her" without an ounce of sarcasm.
3.)Paulie D explaining that he couldn't hook up with one of those girls "because she was on her period, and she wouldn't let me take her pants off. But it was no big deal." But you know what IS a big deal, Paulie D? The fact I now want to hurl. So, thank you for that, sir.
"One of those girls was definitely more cuter than the other one. And she jus thappened to be my girl"-The Situation
PS if you're in ny this weekend does that mean we're becoming bff^max power? k good.
The Situation: "Be quiet, little Italian girl."
I finally watched a show before your recrap!
(1) Russ is his name, he didn't give himself the nickname. Snooki just literally gave that little of a shit that she never caught his name and took a guess it was "Ron." So all her "Ron" references should be "Russ," so MTV just did it to clarify. But apparently she needs a guy like that in her life, he makes her laugh.
(2) Agreed, the blonde wasn't "busted" as much as plain. Until she opened her mouth, at which point I wanted to put her on the chairlift and cut the cable.
(3) So glad everyone else thought the "house music" argument was fuckdiculous. Possibly the best part of the episode.
(4) Paulie D grew up 20 minutes away from my house growing up apparently. Can't tell if I should be proud of that or not.
I still love the really serious look that Sammi gets on her face when Ronnie tells her "I used to think the shore house was the best thing that happened to me. But it's really you." Mainly because I could smell the bullshit seeping from BOTH of them through my TV and it was at a club where you could probably smell vagina and self hatred everywhere.
Also, I originally thought the punch was hilarious, until this episode, and I was actually really concerned for Snooki and her possible tooth loss...i mean, she might be my girl now too. Is that a problem? Do I need to reevaluate my life?
Meg...they were battling on the dance floor! So inexcusable. Battling to house sooooo different to grinding to r&b. Also I too cannot believe you didn't address the blurred out shots of Shnicki's vajay during her cartwheels (dear God, is that really how people dance down the shore?????)
xoxo to you and the jersey shore, thanks for making my work week merrier!
if you haven't seen this, please enjoy
Saw the episode last night and then read your recap today. It's so sad that you're not making any of this up. It makes me sad for America, and ya know... for Earth. These people are just so... "AhhOOOOOgaaa"
It's the worst show ever, but so damn entertaining. I mean, they work in a *t-shirt shop* and the girls don't even wear shirts, unless they have Zorro slashes of course. As a woman I shouldn't be interested in this show, but it's just so *awful* I can't help myself. So funny.
Love the recaps.
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You forgot to mention when The Situation explains what it means to "beat up the beat".
Meg I was buying a christmas present for my friend on a favorite website of mine and found THE MOST wonderful thing EVER. Are you ready for it? Are you sure?? Ok, here it is:
I hope and pray you haven't already seen this. And that you're dying to have it as much as I am because girrrrrl I didn't know norwhals were real either!
Your recaps are the best part of the Jersey Shore. Hilarious...instead of just typing LOL, I really was laffing out loud.
meg, i love you. however, and i hope i'm not the first to say it, slash, that co-bloggers take offense: i only read red script on your page. also, i'm from the mainland town on the other side of the mathis/tunney bridge from seaside. I purposely don't read your thoughts until I watch the episode. Then I read, then I laugh my arse off.
ZOMGZ a writing contest about Holiday ridiculousness?! I am so in. I'll get to it... tomorrow. Or maybe Monday day.
I so accidentally watched the last half of this episode. I hadn't heard any of the hype, so when the screen blacked out for the punch, I was about to throw down with Comcast.
It wasn't until the public service announcement at the end that I realized MTV did it on purpose.
Those Jersey people...wow. And I'm from the same decade...
Meg you missed a few classics:
Pauly D: "You gotta keep it what I call Fresh-To-Death: Fresh outfit, fresh hair cut, fresh tan."
Snooki: After mom and her get in the ocean, her mother says "it's dirty" and Snooki replies "Yeah...it's...the Jersey shore."
The whole house music thing: It wasn't just dancing to house music, they were "battlin'." It starts with the fists pounding on the dance floor and goes from there. They were staking their turf and showin' the room what they got. That's why all the bumpin' & grindin' was so justified. It's all very West Side Story only they've never heard of that and think they've invented this.
The Situation twittered that he and Pauly D blew off the original girls for the hotter ones in the car because you've always got to be on the lookout for the "B.B.D." (Bigger Better Deal). Obviously, these are words to live by.
This show gets deeper every episode.
OMG you totally have to "hire" Snookie to make an appearance at the next Jaegerball!!!
he definitely pushed her face. hard. http://www.zooped.com/2009/12/07/mtv-jersey-shore-snookie-gets-punched-in-the-face/
the fact that you know becky was the duck's name that got jacked up in the oil spill? priceless.
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